I’m writing this post from sunny Mexico, so I’m not too sad to have left Warsaw, but it definitely deserves a shoutout.
I spent about 3 months there this year on and off, from August till November. I don’t think I can call it home though. And I don’t think I want to live there again anytime soon. It was a great experience, but somehow Warsaw and I didn’t click.
Maybe it was because I couldn’t walk around so much because it got cold and dark so fast. Maybe it’s because I’m in a very reflective period of my life. Maybe it’s because even though I was surrounded by a lot of people, I only felt a real connection on rare occasions. I did “import” some connection which really helped.
Of course there are many things that I loved. The skyline reminds me of New York, it really does. And the flat that I rented on the 28th floor, oh my god. That view is just beyond insane. There are a ton of entrepreneurs in the city. We’ve had a lot of steak, carting, shooting guns. The Polish women are really beautiful too. Although I didn’t meet too many to be honest. It could be the reflective period, or maybe I’m just changing.
So thank you very much for accepting me Warsaw. So long Warsaw, and thanks for all the steak!
And Helloooooo Mexico = )

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