Affiliate World was the first biz conference I ever went to – it was the summer of 2018. The ticket price at the time was about $400 and I was like holly ****, there is NO way I am paying this much. Yet I was hungry for inspiration so I just sniffed out all the non-official, free networking activities and went to those.
I remember this lunch at one of Barcelona’s Chiringuitos where this Hungarian guy was telling me how he set up his first biz and made over a million at like 23 or something. At the time my entire biz was making about 10-20K/mo. A million, seven figures, was so far away I couldn’t even imagine it.
That same winter, there was the Bangkok Affiliate World. This time I said screw it, bought the ticket to the conference and the $800 return ticket to Thailand and just went. It was even better. I mean Bangkok is like literally the funnest city in the world. I remember the event being held at prestigious venues, the Banyan Tree Bangkok… and honestly I felt like I didn’t belong. And again I met some future clients and some good friends, a mentor that I knew from just online before…
Next year I went to Bangkok again – the last one before Covid. I brought Olin from Hustler with me. And funny enough, he didn’t leave Asia for like 2 years haha… This one was the best to date. Epic parties, a broken heart, some business, and so many friends I am still in touch with. Even a bro friend with whom I’ve traveled to like 5+ countries since.
And now, after so many years, I was a speaker at this same event. Sure, the small stage, and an unsexy topic – but I was never afraid to put in the work and start at the bottom. They told me I did well… Honestly it wasn’t as fun as the others. But that’s because I was tired. The event was a blast, but building the business up to 70 people in these last few years took a toll on me.
Still, Affiliate World delivered. Talking to so many other business owners I got some new ideas that we will implement at Hustler in order to continue crushing it… And I’ll go to Bangkok one in winter too. But I’ll take holidays = )
P.S Massive thanks to Affiliate World – what you do changes lives.

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Always a pleasure!