WARNING: Adult and Offensive Language so Proceed to Read with Caution
I open the door and enter the dimly lit, small room behind the window. It´s warm and everything is glowing in neon red light. My heart is pounding, I haven´t been so nervous for a long time. “OK, baby,it´s 50€ for a fuck and a blowjob, 15 minutes, OK?”. I say “OK”, smile, and close the door behind me…
It´s not the goal of this blog post to discuss whether prostitution is good or bad. It is what it is, who am I to judge? It´s legal here in Amsterdam, it´s a huge tourist magnet, it´s provoking and it´s a big business. It´s also not the goal of this post to dip into the causes of why guys visit prostitutes, their segmentation and possible alternatives. The goal is to share my experience with you and give insight into the “sex for money” world.
I had this (not so secret) wish for quite some time. It´s not that I don´t get laid, I do. But I guess the wish is there for most of the guys since the age they start reading nude magazines and watching porn and then get embarrassed when their parents spot them. It´s a big taboo in most cultures, people don´t talk about it, people don´t write about it. It´s shady. Yet it´s all around us, it´s in us, it has been here all the time.
So I said to myself: “Ok, dude, you´re in Amsterdam, that´s probably your best shot, if you don´t do it now, you never will. It´s legal here, you know the price, you know the spots and it´s safe as well – no need to worry about STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) or about getting robbed.” And when you are at the point of do it now or never, you should fucking do it, or regret it for the rest of your life.
So I had a couple of free hours on Saturday afternoon and I was like “Fuck it, I´ll do it”. Took a shower, put 70€ (I might want an extra haha) in my pocket and get on the street. Our Air B & B is super central, so I walk for 5min and start to see the red lit windows already. It´s kinnda like window shopping for clothes, but with girls inside.
Some of them are on their phone, some of them are actively trying to make eye contact and invite guys in. Some of them are putting their make-up on, some of them just sit or stand and look bored. Some of them are super hot, some of them not so much. They are from all ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
Now I´m starting to get more nervous. I´m checking the girls out. Not like in a club or on the street, where I am usually quite confident and take my time and feel comfortable checking out a girl I like. Here I´m afraid and shy. I don´t really make eye contact and kinnda check them out quickly before walking past. I make 3 circles around the most busy spots and in 15min of walking I check out around 30 girls.
Slowly and steadily excuses are flowing into my mind – like always when you want to do something but are afraid. I go to the shop because I really had to buy a new lip balm. And then I visit a hotel to go to the toilet, I had to do it before. And then I mentally slap myself, I know I am just procrastinating. The longer I wait, the harder it will be and the more stress I´ll experience. I know which girl I like and I head there.
I come to the window and take a last look at her before making a motion at her. She´s got long, straight black hair. Not too tall, not too short. She´s super skinny, a great fit body, nicely tanned, and with very sexy (later learned) fake tits. She also had super cool and sexy tattoos all over her right thigh, hip and over her arms as well. I also liked that she was just standing there – not checking her phone and also not trying too hard. She knew she was super hot and that guys will come. And when I looked her in the eyes she knew I wanted her, she smiled and opened the door.
I open the door and enter the dimly lit, small room behind the window. It´s warm and everything is glowing in neon red light. My heart is pounding, I haven´t been so nervous for a long time. “OK, baby,it´s 50€ for a fuck and a blowjob, 15 minutes, OK?”. I say “OK”, smile, and close the door behind me.
I tell her I´m nervous and that it´s my first time. “What´s your name?” We introduce ourselves and small talk for a minute or so, that gets me a little more comfortable. I say I like her tattoos and that I just made my first one a couple of months ago in Bulgaria and show it to her “Really? I´m from Bulgaria…” We talk about Sofia and Varna and how you get addicted to getting tattoos.
“All right, baby, just relax, take of your clothes, put them there and then lie on the bed, OK?”. We both strip, I lie on the bed. She quickly sprays disinfectant on my genitals, wipes it and then puts a condom on my dick. She starts to give me a blowjob with the condom on but my dick isn´t really hard, I´m still super nervous.
A year or two ago that would suck. I would get angry at myself because I can´t get it hard. And that doesn´t help with an erection and starts a vicious circle. Luckily, I now know better and just tell myself to relax, take my time, enjoy and breathe deeper.
I tell her to position herself differently (while she´s giving me head) so I could see her sexy ass and touch her slim hips and boobs, which are super amazing. I tell her how much I love her boobs and ask her if they are real. “No, they´re fake. It´s quite a good job, don´t you agree?” I agree and we both laugh. Then she continues the blowjob.
My dick is semi-hard now, lol, and since the clock is ticking I tell her to go on her knees. I grind myself against her ass, that is super erotic. Also, I notice how warm her body is to my touch. Then I penetrate her and for a few seconds it feels amazing. And then it´s not amazing anymore but just good. My dick is still not very hard, oh well.
While having sex I notice her moaning is a bit robotic and mechanic. Some thoughts race through my head whether she is ever enjoying her job or not. I am far from having the best sex of my life, yet it´s still enjoyable. The things that amazes me more is how aesthetically crazy I am about her beautiful body.
There´s also all kinds of things I want to do, that I normally do when having sex, but those things are off limits now. I want to kiss her, I want to touch her pussy, I want to hold her body close and tight to me, I want to kiss and bite her neck, shoulders and back. I want to slap her ass. I want to feel the warmth of her body and look into her eyes when I fuck her.
“Baby, you´ll have to cum for me soon…” Yeah, the clock was ticking lol. So I started to jerk myself off and then asked her to help me finish just before I came. It felt good, like all orgasms do. She then took some paper towels and removed the condom. We both put our clothes on. She kisses me on the cheeks goodbye.
When I step outside, I feel beyond amazing, wide smile on my face. It was 30% of just having an orgasm, 30% of being in a company of a super hot girl (although slightly diminished because it was paid for) and 60% of the overcoming a fear to fulfill a wish you have had for a long time.
I´m super glad I went. But I doubt I´ll visit again anytime soon. I just prefer a girl who likes me too. And I can´t do without sharing the amazing intimacy and connection, kissing, biting and all the rest that comes together with amazing sexual partners. And I like to cuddle after as well.
So there you go people. Let me know how you like it. Would you ever visit? Did the story disgust you? Make you horny? Let me know and as always, don´t forget to attack your fears!
Congrats for sharing this with the world!
Thank you very much!
You have a balls to expose yourself, big respect because nobody haven’t told it before so loud.
Thanks for the compliment, I had an amazing experience and wanted to share it. And seems like people can relate!
Recpect Bošti! For courage to do it and to share your experience.
Thank you very much for your support and comment, fellow DSAPovka 🙂
Great story and this captured the attention well. Pretty similar to my first time
Thank you my friend!
Uf! First of all I would like to give you congratulations for such an open speach and exposing yourself in soo personal way.I read your story and I don’t know why I feel sad on the end of blog.Nothing personly…only pure feelings of sadness..You wish to know 🙂
Wish you Great day,
Sadness is a part of life and a lot of things can be bitter sweet, and that´s cool. Thank you for your input and being open! 😉
Respect, top story! You rock!
Thank you very much!
The thing that amazes me the most, is how absolutely normal wish of a healthy, young man, is on the other hand so provokative to read. At least to some. So no congrats or sth like that, just go boy, live your life with that open minded atitude.
Thanks for constructive input! I can see how the experience could feel provocative or even unimaginable. I think a story like this awakens different things in us, which means it´s relatable, which means it´s a good story. It makes you think. Thanks!
The redlight: It teached me that love and sex are not the same.. And this made me humble and more open minded.. The price i paid for that is a loss of romantic view of relationships, more down to earth.
Sweet, thanks for sharing your experience. Love and sex are definitely far from the same!
Awesome story dude! enjoy travelling!
Best wishes from Zurich
Thank you very much and I will 🙂
Best wishes back to Switzerland!
Wau. Zakon post, ful odkrito in zanimivo. Respect!
Najlepsa hvala 🙂
I will surely visit..
It´s a great learning experience! enjoy 🙂