I postponed this moment for a long time. In fact, this is the first new blog post in 3 months. What was holding me back? Who knows, it’s hard to say objectively. A cocktail of different fears I suppose. Let’s explore them for fun:
-I was busy with the book launch
-I wanted to devote enough time & energy in my intimate relationships
-I needed to take on more projects to rack up more money to never ever be broke again in the future
-My writing does not reach a lot of people compared to the videos anyway
And despite all this work and being super busy (I’ll have to ban that word), I had an unusual day today. I decided to take a 45min walk instead of the public transport as I run an errand. I wondered at the busy streets, and the gray industrial complexes of north London. I finished my errand, got some food, and then I was ready for work.
Except that I didn’t work. I played Command & Conquer Zero Hour Generals with my friend instead. I rationalized that it was because I promised to play. But it wasn’t. I wanted to.
Excuses were running out, and I thought I was really ready to start working now. I never started. Instead, I watched a lot of great videos from Derek Sivers.
As I’m writing this, I’m still beating myself on the head – “you should be working right now, there are so many projects that require your attention.” But instead, I ate a 2nd dinner (and exceeded my daily calories by 1.4k) and texted back and forth with a Tinder match.
As I read the next article by Derek Sivers, it dawned on me. I am keeping the old priorities in my life. I am ready to change, to move on, but I’m resisting. And the resistance, well, a lot can be written about it. But it sure as hell won’t make you happy.
Oh, by the way, I haven’t figured out what this “new” thing that I want to be doing is. And that’s cool. As long as I know that a change is about to happen, I can be on the lookout and open to new opportunities.
And as I said, I like to write. So I’m gonna write a little more, and worry a little less.
I don’t expect a lot of people to read this post. If you do, and it inspired you, please drop a comment or a personal note. They help create un upwards spiral of mutual inspiration and motivation 🙂
Arthur Guerrero says
I like writing too lol
Yeah, maybe you’re ready to drop a few income producing projects in favor of creative projects that you simply feel drawn too.
Maybe it’s the ebb and flow of an entrepreneur’s life…when you get short on money again, you might resume back to doing more income producing projects, and drop some of your less favorite creative projects.
Bostjan says
Interesting thoughts. As a matter of fact – I just released a book, which is not a golden pot, but it is making some money. And I have more products in mind, but really want to grow the audience a little bit first too. Although, responses so far are beyond expectations!
But the writing… man, I’ll write even when I’m filthy rich, so it really makes no difference 🙂