Last week, I drank water from the toilet tap in the cinema.
And that made me think. See, the thing is, I´m in a pretty nice position at the moment. I have some money now, I mean, I´m no rich baller by any means, but I can buy most of the stuff I need. I´m self sufficient so to say, and on my way to support others too. I travel a lot, meet people, meet girls. I see and do nice things. For example, now, I´m in an apartment in the middle of Amsterdam´s Red Light district. And I feel a sense of pride about that. And then I drank water from the toilet tap. WTF?
The first feeling was the one of being really embarrassed. What if anyone sees me? What if some old friend from childhood comes and sees me drinking water from the toilet tap, that would suck. What will they think of me? Should I just buy a bottled water, it´s cheap anyway! And then I gave myself a mental face slap. What the fuck man!? Are you too good to drink water from the tap now? Then I drank the water and it was okay.

Another incident, a few days ago here in Amsterdam. Obviously, first thing we do when we arrive, hit a coffee shop and smoke a joint. I rarely smoke recently so we got high as hell. Then we want to eat everything in our sight obviously. My friend invited me to eat outside, some fancy restaurant. And then I was like, “nah man, I don´t mind, we can just buy crisps, pizza and some other unhealthy shit and chill at the apartment.” And guess what, it was totally cool. I doubt I could be more happy if I ate at the fancy restaurant.

So it´s like, obviously we´re in the hustle to get some money. The more the better, money is not an evil thing. If you still believe that, you need to work on your money beliefs. However, ultimately, money will not bring you happiness. It will only allow you to do cool things. So stay humble.
And it´s up to you to mentally slap yourself during the process. Your feeling of self-worth can´t only be tied to money you make, or you´re in for some crazy emotional ups and downs when the money swings.
Please, share an incident that mentally slapped you when you got too proud in the comment section, I´d love to read that. Or I could even compile all the examples we build together and make a super inspirational list. Anyway, enjoy it as always, peace,
P.S Here´s a good song for hustlers that will remind you to be humble:
I am not sure whetherI remember some time ago when i realized the futility of constantly upgrading my PC.It dawned on me that it’s just a cycle of hyping myself up, getting bored after a week or two of playing games then regretting the money spent.Unfortunately the regret was never strong enough to sell those parts and be done with it.Finally a though appeared in my head “Dude its like your on fuckin drugs, it will always be a temporary satisfaction”.Since that moment i see material things very differently, i get attached much less than before.
Hm, interesting you found that with PC upgrades. I guess we all have our own vices… And yeah man, materials things, nah, don’t care too much about them unless they help me make more money or deliver more value. I like to spend my money on Food hahaha 😀